Scavenger and Restorer
Brief info

I’m a junkie for hunting and finding old things and the now unloved items that are destined for the rubbish dump.

The saying that one man's rubbish is another man's treasure stands true with me. Especially when I can upcycle something from its original purpose and give it a new lease of life.

We’ve become too reliant on the likes of Ikea way of buying at low cost with furniture that is made with unsustainable products. They are then replaced every few years as styles change and people believe it is justified as they may say… “It was cheap in the first place” and happy to buy it again.

Buying vintage and antique gives us something unique in our homes as well as doing our bit to recycle to help the planet.  © 2021.

All Rights Reserved.

Philona Vintage
77 Carrer Del Bruc, P1

Phone: 0034 691 791 233