About us

About Us

Who are we?

We’re Phil and Fiona, a married mix of English and Irish who have been living in Barcelona for over 10 years.
Philona Vintage was born out of our love for the old, unique and the forgotten. Living in Barcelona our favourite discovery and past time ever since we moved here are the outdoor markets and the wonderful antique shops where you have access to incredible finds if you look hard enough.
We’ve been rummaging at flea markets and antique shops for the past 15 years and still have the thrill of the search.
Buying vintage and antique furniture offers you two huge benefits: an opportunity to create a new style for your home and a chance to own a unique piece of furniture or decorative item.
Also, let’s not forget our planet likes vintage too…

The Vintage Hunters

Scavenger and Restorer

Phil’s talent is with the restoration.

Hunter Gatherer

Fiona has an incredible eye for finding classical pieces.

Our Experience

Our story

Following the purchase of our first house in Ireland and as cash strapped newlyweds we set about furnishing it on a budget. We started hunting at flea markets and vintage websites. We managed to create an old-world feel in a brand new modern house.

This is where the passion for the old really started with us two.

Our story

We moved from Dublin to Barcelona and moved into a grand traditional Catalan apartment with no furniture. This was such an exciting scenario for us!

This time we had all these wonderful Barcelona markets and antique stores on our doorstep with items not only from Barcelona but other parts of Spain, as well as France, Belgium and more.

Our story

This time we were busy running touristic apartments and Fiona was busy with the interior design of them. There is something always to be found in the ‘Philona Rooms’ apartments from our vintage finds!

Meanwhile, our own home was filling up with items we fell in love with or felt we had to save. Phil was busy restoring furniture in any free time he had and selling these restored pieces online via eBay and locally online.

Our story

This was the time we were supposed to launch ‘Philona Vintage’ but unfortunately, there was the small inconvenience of a global pandemic!

We were lucky to be busy with an interior design project in a large apartment here in Barcelona so whilst the markets and vintage shops were closed we had to source furniture and decor items online through local classified adverts.

Our story

So here we are in 2021 and ready to go. Although the world is still slowly coming out of the covid nightmare we are ready to get things moving and it feels like the right time to launch ‘Philona Vintage’ and so to help you find that something special for your home or business.


Anything from industrial lighting, lockers, workbenches, filing cabinets
and pigeon holes, clocks, vintage signs, vintage warehouse furniture.
we consider anything.
Contact us


Anything from industrial lighting, lockers, workbenches, filing cabinets
and pigeon holes, clocks, vintage signs, vintage warehouse furniture.
we consider anything.
Contact us

PhilonaVintage.com  © 2021.

All Rights Reserved.

Philona Vintage
77 Carrer Del Bruc, P1

Phone: 0034 691 791 233